vineri, 1 iulie 2011

Turquoise love

Turquoise is one big love of mine. The shades, the lines, the perfection of imperfection, the feeling of summer and love. Sea, skies, flowers. It is one stone that makes me smile.

This is how these came to life. One of my favorite stones and copper wire. Because they go well together.(in my mind)

15 RON each

Turcoazul este o mare dragoste a mea. Umbrele, liniile, perfectuinea in imperfectiune, sentimentul de vara si dragoste. Mare, cer, flori. Este o piatra care ma face sa zambesc.

Asa s-au nascut. Una dintre pietrele preferate si sarma de cupru. Pentru ca se potrivesc (in mintea mea)

2 comentarii:

FB Ronnie spunea...

Ce frumos imblanzesti sarma. Keep the good work.

Magazine de haine online spunea...

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