miercuri, 30 martie 2011

We are not even - green hills

This bracelet, made of polymer clay, is part of a new series, called We are not even.
The collection is inspired by The Prodigal Son, a novel written by Radu Tudoran. Eva never said it, she just accepted everything, her path was set in the name of love... of faith, of devotion. You were never even, Eva.

Bratara aceasta, din lut polimeric, face parte dintr-o noua colectie, intitulata We are not even.
Colectia este inspirata de romanul Fiul Risipitor de Radu Tudoran. Eva nu a spus-o niciodata, a acceptat totul, drumul ei fusese stabilit in numele dragostei, a sortii, a devotamentului. Nu ati fost niciodata chit, Eva.

Un comentariu:

Deliria spunea...

foarte faina e!!!!